Sunday, 30 December 2012

Last Sunday of the year 2012

Such a productive day!


went to the gym

Yes, I carried that almost for the whole 30 mins work out; 4kg on each hand walking on treadmill kakaka

And even when I wasn't on treadmill and doing other stuffs that required both hands, I'll put it next to me because...

One of the reason is actually just for self defense :p
since there were no guards there at the gym...

After that,
rushed back home and off to church.

And here's my favourite verse for today:

If someone says "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? ~1 John 4:20

And here's the song for today:

Note: this has been my favourite hymn song since when I was at a very young age. I literally was brought up listening to this song all the time.

-I hear it in church I grew up in when I was young
-I hear my parents singing it a lot of times
-I sang it in the church I grew up in

I'm so glad they played it in church today :)


At 19:00, watched performance by the church members,
and performance by HT Long!

while eating delicious dinner.

Will upload some photos on this blog post later...

Thank God for such a great day!

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Dan Brown and his books

I know I promised I will post about the event I went for during the end of the world on THIS (← please click) blog post.


It may not happen in a while since I'm lazy gonna be busy indulged in a book written by one of my most favourite author: Dan Brown!

Oh gosh, I just love his books!
I have like a whole collection of them now:


Literally my face is like:

(幸せ-face: which means I'm just filled with lots of happiness?)

I started off with the famous (or is it infamous?) book of his:
The Da Vinci Code

which may have caused some Christians to be upset due to the sensitive topic.

But anyhow, it's fiction.

Next I went on to Angels and Demons.
Which was also very famous; having a movie out of it.

Then, I read Deception Point;
which I got secondhand :p

And today I just bought:


It's quite heavy because of the 700+ pages:


(maybe not)

But I hope I can finish it before work starts!

I know nothing much about the author (Dan Brown), but I love the way he writes-
engaging you into the story.

(And very clever!)

So far, all these books I read by him are usually puzzle-solving mystery kind.
Those are my favourites!

and more puzzles

just bring them on! >:D

this makes me remember how I used to call myself a detective when I was at a very young age (about 6?) lol because I used to find stuffs my parents lose;

Then I'll ask them things like:
"where did you last saw it?"

Perhaps being a detective was one of my dream job then


I shall go investigate the book now...


Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Choco Chip Cookies for Christmas 2012!

I'm baking choco chip cookies!

At first I was wondering if I should make gingerbread man...
but I myself don't really like it (no offence to anyone or any gingerbread men),
and I found out not many people I know like it as well-

So then I decided choco chips cookies :p

so I put down all the icings (to draw gingerbread man) and went for soft cookies instead! wooo

My first batch!
They turned out with nice golden colour which I must say...

*Self praise*

But they got stuck together...
thanks to my mum for the advise of sticking them so close :x

But I separated the stuck one and they all seem to look fine now~

But my next batch was a disaster...
NOT because I burnt them or anything (thank God) 


I wasted probably 2 cookies :(
Too much water that I had to wash them off (so sad).

My next batch:

This one I tried to finish off all the choco chips lol which is why this batch has TOO MUCH choco chips (especially the top corner).


*They're Hershey's choco chips.*


Let me repeat that sentence:

*They're Hershey's choco chips.*


Just wanted to get the message through so people who eat these cookies would appreciate how much time and money I spent on it.

So I wrapped some of them in a cute small plastic bag bought from Daiso, preparing them to be given away:


I just realized: "CHIP" n Dale

Choco "CHIP"

Get it? Hahahahahahahahahaha...


Never mind.

Last but not least, a close-up shot of my soft cookies:

Thanks for reading!

Merry Christmas 2012!

Blessed Christmas!

"And his name shall be called
 Wonderful Counselor
the Mighty God
the Everlasting Father
the Prince of Peace."

*Going church later so shall update about the service later ;)

Another verse that is best for the season:

(it's from John 3:16)

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son..."



God bless!



Okay, so I'm back from church! :D

It was great!

And look what I've got as a door gift!!

Oops, I forgot to take a photo of the pen.
There's also a custom made pen with the name of the church on it!
Cool or what!?

The book at the back...
I'm not sure if you can see it clearly;
but it says "Diary".

A diary to write all my thoughts during service?
I've never really done that before-
so I guess it's a good start for me next year ;)

So what happened in church today?


Of course, all faithful Christians would agree that:
Today is the day we celebrate the birth of Christ!

So they performed a musical reminding us that he's the reason for this season; and not because of Santa, or other myths that were created for Christmas.

*I still love Rudolf (although it's a myth character), so I'm not saying I'm against all that celebrations or songs played around;

But of course, we should remember in our hearts that the most important thing about today; and the best gift of all:

was the birth of Jesus Christ, our saviour!

And the verse I keep close to my heart today:

"...but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a servant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross." ~Philippians 2:7-8

The song that touched me for today:

The pastor shared a story that reminded me of a conversation I had once with a non-believer...

It was about


Yes, I do believe it's a difficult thing-
but I also truly believe that it's still 
as long as with the strength from God;
and our beloved Jesus Christ
who has done the same for us.

God bless!

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Love Your Enemies

Blessed Sunday! :)

Here's a poem I would like to share by Mother Teresa which was shown today during service; and it truly inspires me a lot- and I really do pray I could take this as my guide for the coming years (and a great resolution for the year 2013)!


People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered; 
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; 
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; 
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; 
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; 
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; 
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; 
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; 
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God
It was never between you and them anyway.


The title of this poem is easy to guess.
Try guessing :)
BUT no reward points even if you guessed right-
because it's just too easy :p

The title is...



(Here's a wiki page on Mother Teresa: click HERE.)

Being a person like in the poem is definitely not an easy task-
but I pray God could give me the strength and guide me through-
reminding me that it's between me and God,
and it was never between me and them anyway

Here's the verse for today:

Love Your Enemies
"But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you," - Matt 5:44

Ending this blog entry with the worship song for today:

God bless!

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Guess it's the end of the world? Not

Guess what?

It's 22nd Dec 2012- 
and it was said that today would be the end of the world at 14:00 (Malaysian time).

Now guess what again?

I survived!

Thanks to Captain America :D

He left me this shield as a souvenir; and now off to save other people / species in danger.
or to kill girls with his great looks and body

Will definitely miss him- yeap.


I also experienced another event today.
But I'll write it in my next blog update ;)

Below is the clue to where I was today:

Guess where!

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Even cats have secrets

I have a cat.

He was with us ever since a kitten.

And now he thinks of us like a family;
and recognizes his own name when being called,
and will reply with a cute "meow"

Now here's a cat who thinks he can fool others.

*Note: this cat does not belong to me nor am I related to anyone in this video.

Just found it funny and cute :P

Pray for Newton

Sunday, 16 December 2012

second trip to Melaka

I went to Malaka again!

This time, it was very well "planned".
(at least for me, it was)

Before going off to Melaka at about 15:00 (or near 16:00),
we had our lunch at Kajang and bought some Mau-sang (or Musang?) durians to eat in another colleague's house.

This time, Melaka was like a totally different place-



comparing to the last time we went there;
the place was crowded as he** and there was just no space for us; nor for the cars.

You may read about my previous trip to Melaka by clicking HERE.

I ranted that it's not a recommended place to go during a public holiday.

So now I shall recommend that Melaka is worth going only when it's NOT a public holiday;
when it's a certain state's holiday just like what we did-

We went there during Selangor holiday.
Which means other people living in other states will not conquer visit Melaka; hence not disturbing our trip.

*I believe the reason why it is so difficult to find Melaka like this empty is because it's one of Malaysia's famous tourist spots.*

I didn't take as much pictures as before since I've already taken a lot during the previous trip...

Until people even forgot what I took.

But here's a picture to show how empty it was compared to how it was when I went on a public holiday:

it's empty 'cause there's no shops open on this row.

But you get the idea...
it was like this overall.

All the restaurants HAD food.!
You may think: "duh, restaurants are meant for food."
But it didn't seem so during our previous trip because all the restaurants had NO food -all sold out; and it was still lunch hour!

It just didn't feel like the same place.
There was more time to relax and enjoy the place :)
Unlike previous; where those who can't take it may feel a lot stressed out 'cause people were everywhere; and cars were everywhere no matter where you turn or face.

We walked around the streets and I manage to explore some empty streets (which weren't empty the last time).

And I found this cool graffiti on one of the walls:

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expressign(?) this right includes freedom to hold opinion without interference and to seek receive and impart information and deal(?) through any ???????? ...and regardless ?????? ...frontiers.

Article ?? universal right ??? 1948(?)


Credits to whoever did this :P

I also managed to try this yogurt ice-cream from one of the stalls:

So cute  lol

I forgot how much it costs... I think maybe RM2.50
The taste was alright-

I actually wanted to try mint flavour (the one I took was passion fruit);
but my colleague suggested me to take a different flavour 'cause he tried the mint and didn't really fancy it I think?

After going around Jonker walk;
we went to get our mille crepe (or layer cake) from [Nadeje] (take away).

*no photos of the layer cake except below 'cause the lighting was terrible*

You can see from the above photo that the layers are nicely done.
Layer after layer, there's delicious cream.

Yum yum ♫

But to make this cake is sooo time consuming and troublesome.
The cake I chose which was rums and raisins costs: RM9.00

But I guess it's worth it- not sure what others think though?
Let me know if there's other places much nicer and well worth :D

We brought this cake to Portuguese settlement (at the foodcourt) and devoured it there; and also had our dinner:

 The first thing that came to us was the drink (obviously).

(see, I'm so nice; I took a photo with the number in case you thought of having some business with this guy Joe-s)

(I wonder if they do delivery...? -since they put the number there...)

The taste was really good; but very sour because I think the mango itself was sour- and then the sour plum just adds onto it.

But the taste is definitely something I have not tried in other places.
Very recommendable *depending on which kind of mango you like.

Along came our dishes (we ate in shop#10 I think):

Portuguese Baked fish-
spicy but not THAT spicy till your tongue burns or anything.
I find it just nice.

But the best dish (although the place was supposed to be famous for seafood); was the brinjal cooked with black pepper:

3 of us ate this; and 3 of us agreed this was the best dish :p
Ho ho
*wants to self praise but I guess writing this sentence itself works*

I must say the whole stretch of houses around the Portuguese settlement area were very creatively and beautifully decorated!

It just didn't feel like I was in Malaysia at that moment.
(This sentence does not mean Malaysia is an ugly country yah)

I must say I agree to this :D
*praise the Lord!*

*outside* Santa's workshop!

Beautiful house #1.1

Beautiful house #1.2

Beautiful house #1.3

*Note: I'm not rating them; and they are randomly arranged*


The illuminations were just so pretty!
It was like as if you're in wonderland :D

Houses were decorated with magnificent lights and the whole atmosphere seemed just so romantic :)

I was amazed because the houses invested so much into decorating; it made me confused if they were just "display houses" or were they real houses with people living inside!

After enjoying my [Yuyi-in-wonderland],

we drove to a mamak stall called "Pak Putra";
which was suggested by our colleague.

Although we were very full;
it was definitely a good choice of going there just to try:

The above picture is chicken-something-curry (or something like that).
The curry (or whatever it is) was sooo creamy and had a very good taste which I can't describe well- the chicken was as good as well! -very soft and tender.

But what's famous here seems to be the naan:


It's so fluffy!

The naan and the chicken everything was a good combination :D

Our full meal:

*Note: the naan we ordered was called: Pizza naan.

Definitely will go to Melaka again!
*Until my blog post title becomes "234,923,982nd trip to Melaka!" haha- I wish.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Nostalgia ver.1 (diskettes and art)


I found something interesting.

And since I was still logged in on my blog, I decided to post about it :D

I hope this lets me earn more money?


*I wish I could hide above hidden msgs; but sadly I can't... but it's okay 'cause I'm open-minded like that*

While cleaning up my drawer, I found these diskettes:



(Actually I knew they were dumped in my drawer--
but didn't bother them until today)

I think they're cool 'cause I found out...


which means...


I did a quick drawing of my PC to prove myself (as if it helps):


It looks like a face of a robot!

You cannot find the diskette slot anywhere!

I see behind the PC also tak ada (don't have).
*as if they would even think of putting it there, right? - so stupid.

I believe those diskettes were used when I was in school doing those tough art assignments that tortured us like no-tomorrow...

(!) AWAS:

because topic will start changing to... art




I don't have any of my art though;;
because they are stolen kept in school.

Below is one of the ways they tortured us for art.

*unfinished work*

Then they will ask you to do the above in different tools (we call it mixed medias):

- Colour pencils
- Water colour
- Oil pastels

*I think it had to be at least 6 different effects.

So one project would contain 2 types of arts: 
-still life (A3) 
-graphic design (double A3).

<ranting time>
</ranting time>

UGH.., hated art (subject) although I love drawing.

...But now when I think of it;
I sort of miss it- haha.

Also... what the heck is wrong with those oranges and lemons lol
They look so weird-! haha
I wonder how old was I when I drew that... 
Makes me wish I could go back in time.

To end this post, I would just like to say:


and the world is ending (I think).